
О нас

DevReg® is a global identity registration, verification, and authentication platform for software developers worldwide. Through sophisticated data science and machine learning, DevReg® has its own datasets to accurately know who to let in and who to keep out. Identity is the foundation of the digital economy and DevReg empowers software developers and clients to establish trust among each other, do business with confidence, and stay proactive against fraudster behaviours.

Fraud takes on many forms and is certainly pervasive. Honest developers in other countries are mistrusted and have lost jobs as a result of unethical developers who remain anonymous while fraudulently abusing consumers’ confidence in various forms of fraud. Companies today must contend with a continuously changing array of fraud attack types. Fraudsters are continuously altering their strategies and inventing new ways to conduct fraud, making it difficult for both clients and honest developers to remain profitable while being proactive against attacks.

With the new registration for all developers worldwide, future clients will have more trust in the developers and be confident that they are who they say they are. This will give honest developers an advantage in acquiring more job opportunities – enabling them to build open, secure, and dynamic relationships among clients.

DevReg® is a global network registry and database of talented, highly qualified, and reputable software development professionals who want to demonstrate to customers, employers, and investors that they are strictly compliant with AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication, and etrust Services). This platform provides security, verification, and trust to software developers and clients worldwide.

Scams by so-called software developers around the world have harmed the reputation of actual, honest developers. The Admin of DevReg decided to build this website so that developers could register and make it more difficult for clients to be defrauded. With our website and all of the true and honest developers, registering will make the world a better place for everyone.

If you are a client or company, let DevReg® connect you with registered software developers that have been vetted and authenticated – saving time, resources, and money from having to do the work yourself.

If you are a software developer, validate your identity by registering at DevReg® – so you can prove “YOU ARE WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE”.


I hope that clients and developers alike will make good use of this website to receive the care and attention from Men and Woman of integrity, who value what is honest, genuine, noble, trustworthy, and kind, ahead of their own personal gain

Jeffrey J Lawson


Our Vision

To offer software developers worldwide the opportunity to prove to clients that they are who they say they are – not scammers hiding behind a computer screen but competent and trustworthy professionals with a strong sense of integrity and accountability.

Our Mission

To endorse software developers worldwide, with credibility, integrity, and protection

Meet The Country Managers
and B.M.C, Staff

Andrey Kapustin

Senior Manager Ukraine

Vladimir Polikanov

Senior Manager Russia

Rizwan Javed

Senior Manager Philippines-Asia

Mathew James

Senior Manager United States of America

Faisal Mushtag

Senior Manager Pakistan

Dylan Plumain

Senior Manager France

Rahul Bhawnani

Manager: India

Theresa Stella

Manager: Nigeria

Ryan Tregea

Security and Development Consultant

Akash Biswas

Manager: Bangladesh

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